Friday, June 17


Nope. I got nothin...

More eventually! Huggles!
Paula Clare


vivian said...

Paula! what do you mean you got nothing? feed us something sweet and crafty! come on girlfriend!! lol.. aww, its ok.. sometimes we just do have nothing..
what are your plans for the summer?

Paula Clare said...

Hi Viv! It's mojo is as dry as the Arizona desert at the moment!

My summer plans have begun in earnest already...I hosted a 3 day weekend with my sister Pam and niece Emileigh. They are home from Sudan, Africa. Had a blast. Then Wed.I am taking the first team of Disaster Relief workers to Alabama to do tornado cleanup and relief work. Gotta make some time shortly thereafter to see the grandbabies.

Then in July 2 more teams to Alabama, then in August hubby and I will be going to the U.P. for a week or two...and then at the end of August my niece Aria will be home from Kenya and will stay with me for a week. May do some crafting while my niece is here...we like watching musicals and crafting as we watch. :-)

What are YOU up to?

Unknown said...


I can so relate.....we have recently found out that my husband's ( and mine ) dearest friend has pancreatic cancer....we are all in a void.....I so want to go backwards for awhile to the precancer news day.....he was 51 a week ago.....your mo-jo is right there kiddo, it just doesn't want to show it sneaky little head right now! Miss you! Sandy