Thursday, May 1


Greetings, gentle reader! Can you believe we are ALREADY at the first day of May?!?! I've always heard that time goes by faster as you get older...I can't imagine how it will be whizzing by when I'm 60!

I have a LO challenge I've done for the remarkable Trish Turay at the Work In Progress blog. The kits and scrapbook goodies available there are always amazing. Trish has really great (and a little bizarre...YAY TRISH!) taste in scrapbook styles and such.
Anyway, without further adieu, I give you, "Just A Swingin'" (Anyone remember that hideous song? For those of you who do not, I've added it to my music player...make well of it! It is a rare thing for me to play/listen/encourage cowboy music. Ever.):

You MUST zoom in on the face of the wee one...I think he looks like a little cherub! (but then, isn't that what grammas are SUPPOSED to think?)

Here is the other LO, assembled via the sketch of the amazing Janelle Richmond:

More soon!



Trish said...

Just a little bizarre? If you only knew! I'm off the deep end girlie! LOL!

Adorable layout--and that face is angelic, if I do say so myself! Good luck to you!

Debbie said...

What a adorable sweetie he is Paula....Love the Layouts ...... It was a perfect day wasn't it....ready for another one.