Thursday, November 1


Today our little finned friend Tobi gave up the fight against fish illness and disease this morning at 9:37 a.m. Graveside services for the deceased will ensue...

The closed casket graveside service was held in the back yard, where Tobi was laid to rest on a hillside under a beautiful mimosa tree. The heart shaped coffin seemed very appropoe, as it had originally contained a treasured trinket from Brighton. The handmade tombstone epitaph reads: Tobi had but just one wish, to live his life as a family fish." An MP3 of Amazing Grace was played via laptop computer, and a slideshow of the deceased was shown for family members. This slideshow is now available below.

Please say a prayer for the immediate family...while we realize he was only a "fish", he was a member of the Clouse House family and will be sorely missed. May you rest in peace, little buddy.

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