Friday, September 3


Greetings, cowgirls!

It occurs to me (on this, the THIRD day of September) that I haven't done the Cowgirl Quiltie drawing that was supposed to happen on August 31! I am SO SORRY! I've been so excited about all the tags coming in that I completely forgot until 1:27 a.m. this morning! lol's the way it works:

I assign each name in the drawing with a random number (1-25) from the Random Number Generator. THEN I run all those numbers through the generator again to come up with the winning number.

Sharon: Faith, Hope and Cherrytea - 17
Michele: - 22
Michle: Michala Farms - 3
Tracy Suzanne: Cotton Pickin Cute - 14
Jody: Home and Heart - 16
Christine: The Tin Can Cottage - 8
Debbie: Creations by Debbie - 12
Meri: MerisImaginations - 24

True Random Number Generator 17

Number 17 is Sharon of Faith, Hope and Cherrytea! Congrats Sharon! And thank you to all who commented and have not written me off as a complete "airhead!"

Paula Clare


  1. 16????? Didn't you mean 16???? Sharon please ignore Miss Paula as she made a mistake!! tee-hee

    Seriously though, congrats to her, and thank you for a chance at a wonderful giveaway!

  2. Paula! that was just the craziest thing! reading along thru names & numbers & seeing my number first then my name as the winner !
    seriously that was cr-aa-z-y ! in a very awed way :)

    HUGE thank You! i am more than delighted!! thank you again!
    and all on top of your goodnesses and kindnesses - WoW - i am definitely feeling blessed ..
    and inspirited :) thank You !

  3. Hey Paula! And congratulations to Sharon, you lucky girl you. What a special win this is.

    Have a great weekend...Tracy :)

  4. thx too, Home & Heart and Tracy Suzanne for your well wishes ..
    i am very grateful !

  5. Paula, Your swap makes me so happy for you! That's it, you are now our Queen of Cowgirl Chic. I think this must be a yearly event. Each tag is more beautiful than the next. All you are missing now is the horse! (Don't be surprised if one arrives with your Halloween banner!)Thank you again for hosting such a fun event for all of us to share. PS. I purchased a black 7 Gypsies because the first was such fun! E


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