Monday, September 6


An Autumn/Halloween/Christmas craft idea!

As many of you know, Elizabeth of Creative Breathing is celebrating her three year Blogoversary...and she has asked for folks to give her ideas for craft projects for fall. (Like she is EVER short of ideas!) Anyway, I was thinking of my fondness for owl-y type decor, and came up with this idea:

I am going to make 4 of them for my fall table! I also envision using Halloween colors and making owl candy bar/treat holders, and then using white or gray with red and green to make Christmas owl card holders! My imagination has run amuck!

I found these little cuties at Hobby Lobby...6 for a dollar: Little felt owls...they called them stickers, but there is no sticky to be found on *I* was thinking "place card holders" and water glass charms ... and... and... I thought these were wonderful additions to my fall table:

Here's how I did it:

First, you find a favorite owl image...mine was 8x6 and came from Elsie Flannigan's wonderful "Our Story" craft kit! I stylized it a bit, and changed it up to suit my project...

I then made several copies of the pattern, and cut out the eyes, beak, and "feathers" from felt. (I left out many of the details, but you could add them via embroidery or additional felt pieces if you are so inclined.) I then cut an additional "lower body" from matching brown felt (this will make the pocket on the front).

Next, glue or stitch all pieces down, and use a decorative blanket stitch or whip stitch to adhere the bottom "pocket" to the owl body. (Be sure to add your felt "feathers" prior to this could cut out ovals from felt and layer them row by row to emulate feathers, or you could use real feathers and glue them on row by row...I chose to do the "cartoony" type feathers as on the drawn image)

Voila! A fall owl for your table, trick-or-treaters, or owl-loving relatives for Christmas! I'm sure you can "cute this up" in your own way...let me know if you give it a try!

Paula Clare


  1. What a charming idea to use the owls. I love anything with an owl on it, and have lots in my home. They supposedly bring good luck, and we could all use a bit of that!
    I'm sure Elizabeth will be thrilled with your idea. Have a wonderful day.

  2. What a clever idea!
    Very pretty, useful and original, too.


  3. Paula, You are too cute for words! This is such a cute idea and one I will share on Friday as in the running for final selection. I can't tell you how cloooooose I came to buying an owl dish container at Homegoods. There were several items less than $12.00 that were so cute! OH!!!!! By the way...... Did I mention that I am parting with my penny rugs? She's Sew Pretty claimed my GW bluebirds and cherries, but I have saved aside the Gnome rug if you would like it! Let me know! E

  4. Paula Clare this is so neat and you are so creative. I struggle getting ideas myself. I'm a good to copy others like Elizabeth with her patterns I can do those but creating them myself is a problem.

  5. Oh, so cute, Paula! I love owls, too! What is it about them??? Wonderful project & pattern!


  6. Thanks for your comments, gals! Be sure to let me know if you make one yourself..."E", I can just see a white snow owl with your "signature" embroidery on his belly! TOO CUTE!

  7. Aww, that's cute! Seems everyone is getting into fall mode, but I'm still trying to hold onto summer!

  8. They are SO cute!!! I hope it's okay if I "borrow" the pics you took of my tags! Thank you SO much!!

  9. Lisa,
    I too would love to hold on to summer a bit longer...I LOVE fall but it brings with it the inevitable 'winter' of which I am NOT a fan...

    OF COURSE you can borrow MY pictures of YOUR tags...silly girl! Anytime I feature any of your art you are welcome to "steal" the shots...heck, steal the entire blog post! Fine with me!


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