Saturday, May 30


Greetings, dear reader!

I have a few things to show you from (can you believe it) the CKC Shopping Spree dear friend Debbie and I went to in February (or was it March?) Regardless, we both found a vendor who had some of THE most darling acrylic albums and projects! We found a family album we both absolutely loved...decided to go "halfsies" on the cost of the acrylic (because you only use half of the extra large pieces!) and voila! Inspiration was born!

I've been feverishly gathering red and aqua materials from assorted places. Meanwhile, the extra large pieces of acrylic sat...mocking me.

Begininning a project so massive seemed daunting to me...(I do TINY, SMALL, MINIATURE (behold the little library cabinet I created for a shadow box project! I made each little book myself, and painted the cabinet with several layers of brown and copper paint...)

I digress. I finally gathered all my red/aqua materials and dove in. Here is the completed project: I used a fun red/white fabric to cover chipboard letters for the front cover. The felt embellies and red/aqua buttons were custom made for me by the incredible Tessa Ann...

I purchased the vintage ribbon from one of Artsy Mama's long ago sales...

This is a picture of my mama and daddy the day of their wedding. Mom was 18, dad was 38.

And then, while camping a few weekends ago, I worked on a few ATCs...I took only minimal supplies, so here is what I came up with:

I recently purchased this adorable little fabric ATC, who was, coincidentally inspired to create it by a relative named Paula. I just love it!

More soon!


Paula Clare

1 comment:

  1. Your creations are amazing! So creative!


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