Saturday, May 30


Greetings dear reader!

Hubby dear and I tried out a new local haunt tonight...Cactus Jack's Burrito Shack. It's a rural oddity of sorts...behold:

Really cool metal sculptures everywhere...wish I knew the artist!

And here's the kicker: Giant ice cream cones towering above each's the strangest thing. It looks like an amusement park built by Walt Disney and Emeril! This is a play fort for the kids...

This is the building that houses the restaurant...

We dined "al fresco" in the garden area...complete with metal frog sculpture water feature...

And then there are the teepees in various stages of "undress":

And old, rusted wagon wheels, farm implements, and a beautiful little lake...

And, OH! Did I mention burros? (See them by the rusty wagon wheels? Adorable!) And llamas. (It was feeding time so there were none close enough for photos...maybe next time)

And the food was pretty good too! I just love discovering places that will no doubt make the "Roadside Oddities" book at some point!

More soon!

Hugs and a kiss! (HELP! I can't stop using exclamation points!!!)


Paula Clare

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