Thursday, November 8


This is the Pile-O-Treasure I'm going to begin crafting with...I just LOVE this part of the process! Psychologically, this is known as "Gathering". Apparently all artistic types go through this stage, but some actually make the process of GATHERING an art form in its own right.

For me, it's kind of the same process I go through when blogging...I "blog in my head" pretty much all day, then finally get the words down on the blogsite. As I'm gathering stuff for my AltAred Art projects, I keep a running list/picture in my head of the colors and materials I want to use. By the time I actually get around to laying the stuff out, everything is color coordinated and a feast for the eyes.

WOOHOO! Arrrrrrr....I feel like a Craft Pirate!

Remember the FAB journal I showed you a day or two ago? Here it is with a pattern I've created for one of my felt projects. Cool, huh?

It's really satisfying to have everything together to begin the creative process...I'll keep a photo journal of of my progress...and post the pics here!

Oh, before I forget, stay tuned for an EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT tomorrow in my Friday Find!


  1. mmm pretty... :)

    This is an all roads lead to OEF day, lol. I followed the episcopal cafe to your friend ragamuffin diva's awesome Black Jesus story and then! Hello! It starts to look like the world is a remarkably small place or else the OEF is calling me louder than I thought, lol.

  2. Hi Alison,
    WELCOME! Glad you stopped by! It seems perhaps we need to discuss your Franciscan calling! lol I know for myself and many others in OEF, our humble beginnings began just this way...look out! Apparently God (and Francis) have your number! Hugs!


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