Friday, November 9


To show my appreciation for YOU, dear reader, I have decided to do an ABSOLUTELY FREE GIVEAWAY! Prizes are on me...shipping is on me... and all YOU have to do is enter to win!

I am going to giveaway one of the FABULOUS Pre-AltAred Bohemian journals that you all have been drooling know, like the one I posted back on November 4th? Annnnnnnnyhoo, not only have I found another of these yummy journals, but a matching photo frame/compact to boot! It's utterly gorgeous! BEHOLD THE GIVEAWAY...


Here's how to enter:

1. Visit Paula's Palace of AltAred Art and leave a comment on THIS post...voila! You've acquired 1 entry into the contest!

2. Be sure to include your email address (if not registered with Blogger already)

3. Tell a friend to visit and comment...for every person who mentions you as a referral, you will get ANOTHER entry, and THEY will get an entry.

4. On November 21, (in honor of Thanksgiving...and my gratitude for YOU!) an entry will be chosen by an internet randomizer. I will contact the winner via email and let you in on the good news! I'll get your snail mail addy, and the FAB journal and compact will be winging its way to your home...absolutely FREE! (International Readers, I WILL ship to you also!)

I am doing this as a THANK YOU and a gesture of gratitude for all of YOU, dear readers. I am so completely grateful for you and for your friendship...and for your blogginess!

GOOD LUCK EVERYONE, and have a great time! Isn't this exciting?!


  1. I love the colours you've used - so very vibrant. Please enter me in the giveaway.

  2. oooh they're gorgeous. Please enter me in the giveaway. My referrer is Ellagirlz. Thanks !

  3. Hi Ellagirl and Cheryl 59!
    Welcome to the AltAred Art Giveaway! I tried to reply to your comments via email, but got a "no reply" notice from blogger...I'll need you to email me (privately if you wish) and let me know each of your email addys...then I'll be glad to enter you into the contest!


  4. Just three words FAB-U-LOUS!!!!!
    ENTER ME!!!!

    Sending Love~

  5. These are WAY cool! I was referred here by Angie Shope. Your blog is awesome!!! Please enter me in your giveaway too!!! Thanks!!!

    Teresa Dahm


  6. awww, thanks for adding my store into your sidebar! So sweet! You're such a good blogger as well! It's sad but I neglect my little blog, sometimes for months at a time....... must be better at it! I scrolled all the way down and found some great new links to Etsy shops that I hadn't seen before, that's always great! Thanks for letting me know about your giveaway as well, your work is so colorful! ~ Tara

  7. Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Simply droolworthy, Paula! Please enter me!

  8. Paula, your site is WONDERFUL. I love the colors....Thanks for inspiring us.....

  9. I love the colors too Paula... your site is wonderfully vibrant. Thank you for the opportunity to enter.

  10. helloooo aunty! ha ha. I love your blog, and i'm not butterin' you up! lol. The journal pretty much rock my face off!

  11. You are so awesomely kind!

    I almost shorted out my laptop keyboard from drooling over your pictures. ;-)

    Please enter me in the giveaway.

  12. Is that a journal? Under all that colour or inside? Haha, I wish I could examine it closer, I'm a journal addict! :-)

    Thanks for giving it away!

  13. Loving those bright colors :) Please enter me in the give away.
    thank you :)

  14. This is Absolutely Gorgeous! Please enter me in the giveaway. What a nice thing to do! Thanks.

  15. Hi There!
    So glad to see so many folks entering in the giveaway!

    Just a reminder, if you do not have a blogger profile, or an email addy posted on the site, please send me an email privately so I can contact you and let you know if you are the winner! Thanks!

  16. Wow you really are creative, the journal looks wonderful !! Thank you so much for this giveaway :)
    Referer: Cheryl59


  17. Hey Paula...Its Donna aka Pure and Natural Minerals Makeup from Ebay. Just wanted to let you know I think about you all the time. I also visit this site usually once per week and really appreciate your giving nature God placed in you. I never leave this site the same as I came. I am always a little lighter, renewed some how. I think you know what I mean...Love to you and yours and Happy Thanksgiving!


Dear Wonderful Reader:

I love to hear from you! I read and appreciate your taking the time to stop by and leave a comment! You're welcome at the Palace anytime!