Tuesday, October 18


Greetings, dear friends!

Those of you who have been following me for a while know I have 2 sisters and from these two sisters darling nieces. One such niece is Emileigh...formerly a citizen of Cairo, Egypt, Sudan, Africa and now Springfield, MO at Evangel University studying missions and fashion design...(That will make sense here in a minute). Emileigh is in the beret...here with her sister Aria. Another of my sweet and talented nieces.

As you can see, Em has her own sense of style...a little ethnic, a little vintage, a little designer...well, you get the idea.She designs many of her own clothes and accessories.  She now has an Etsy shoppe called Ya Mimi (her nickname). She creates, designs and sells things like little hair doodads, accessories, etc. Here are a few of my faves:

If you have a young girl in your life...please check out Em's shoppe for birthday, Christmas and just any occasion! All proceeds help her fund her way through college.

Thanks for stopping by! More soon!
Paula Clare


  1. beautiful girls Paula! sounds like she has had a very interesting life thus far huh!? clothing talent is something I dont even begin to possess... wish I did.. I'm a jeans and blouse type of girl.. that about does it for me day after day after day! oh to be young and adventurous though!
    have a great day

  2. Hi, Paula, There Both Adorable Young Girls! Just love Em's Vintage Style. My daughter would get along with her fabulously...she has that same sort of clothing style too.:D
    I Will hop on over to her new Etsy shop and put her in my Favs List and look for all her new creations.
    Thanx for sharing :D
    Take care Paula,

  3. Absolutely darling post! Don't you just love young women. I think they are so special just at the beginning of their lives, everything hopeful in front of them.
    I have you down for my tag swap! You have made my day Paula! Yippie Skippy! E


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