Monday, July 4


Greetings dear reader!

Just thought I would share with you some of the things happening in the Clouse House this summer: First, my dear sister and darling niece Emileigh were here:

Hubby dear and I took them to a few fabulous places:

Walkers Bluff in Carterville, IL. A winery, general store and restaurant extraordinnaire!

We also took them to the Alwahast Restaurant and Hookah Lounge: Home of Afghan and Bedouin cuisine! We thought they might enjoy getting to eat something akin to Sudanese food while here at home.

And for their art-loving side, we took them to the little community of Makanda.

My sister, who's a missionary said only *I* would take her to a winery, hookah lounge and tatoo parlor (Makanda Trading Company: the tatoo parlor was in an attached room) lol! But she said she loved it!

We also spent a day watching Fiddler on the Roof and creating jewelry. I'll show you my creations using the "tape transfer method" next time!

Just got back from a Disaster Relief Trip in Alabama...more on that later! Also, I have a creative idea (shhhhhhhh! I don't want to jinx the mojo!) I'll share with you next time as well!

More soon!
Paula Clare

1 comment:

  1. Hey Paula! good to see you again~ wondering if this is the niece we prayed for?...
    glad to hear you're enjoying this gorgeous summer & not short on things to do "))


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