Monday, April 18


Greetings, dear friends! Webster here!

I have commandeered my mom's computer again to introduce you to a couple of my new friends!

First, my friend Yager...he came over to see me the other day and WOW! Does he ever wear a guy out! He's just so full of energy and always wants to play!

Say hello, Yager! He's a boxer and a pit bull...or something like that. But he's really tiny and adorable! He also PIDDLED on my mom's rug! On MY rug! What was he thinking? Then *I* had to piddle on top of HIS piddle since it was MY HOUSE after all! I got in trouble...

This is my "Uh-oh...I'm in trouble" look. :-(  

Now I have another friend whom I haven't met you have friends like that? His name is Winston and he's another "high energy" puppy, but I can't wait to meet him...

I take 3 walks a day, but hanging out with THESE guys? Whew! EXHAUSTING!

Oops!  Talk to you all again later! I have to get my "innocent look" on my face!  Here comes mom! 

Happy Trails!
 Love, Webster


  1. What sweet pups, Paula! Looks like you've been busy, my friend!


  2. So sweet. Can you believe they grow too fast. Love those babies. Paula Clare yo have to see the hankie I found the other day on my has you all over it. Smiles...Renee

  3. LOLOLOL--how cute is he??? i love his "innocent" look!!!


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