Friday, December 31


As promised, here is the compilation of cricut cartridge pieces used to create this darling little gnome tag:

This is the basic body for the was made with the paper doll dress up cartridge. (Click on the image, then right click to save)
The beard definitely gave us fits...after perusing HUNDREDS of images, we found a little apron with a scalloped edge...a bit of a trim after cutting, and voila! A beard! 
 The hat was equally had to have the right "whimsy" as well as the classic gnome hat shape. We found a sorcerers hat on the Mickey Mouse cartridge (the sorcerers apprentice)
And then the tunic...couldn't look like a dress...nor did we want it to look like an oversized the biblical tunic on the "nativity/bible characters" cartridge did the trick!

The last thing is to assemble and make a simply face using two dots and a slightly curved dash for the mischievous exression of a wise old gnome! 

A great way to add dimension either to the tag or shadow box is to trace around the gnome with a charcoal pencil...smudge and then use pop dots to raise the image off the "shadow". You can either color in the entire shadow image, or just leave it as an outline. Either way, it gives the little guy depth and dimension! Try it, you'll like it! 

The finishing touch is to add whimsical papers, ribbons and embellies.

Be sure to check out Elizabeth's blog and Nan's Retired in Alaska to see their take on the little shadowbox! ADORABLE! More coming right up!

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year Dear girlfriend~ Cheers to a Very Happy 2011 Hugs, Diane


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