Wednesday, November 10


Greetings, dear reader!

Today I am grateful for puppy visitors at the counseling center!

I am here again to share with you some of the FABulous creations from the mind of The Toymaker. Behold the Thanksgiving printable goodies:

These napkin rings would also be cute as styrofoam cup bands!

This little box could be used to put a small message of thanksgiving for each person at the table...cute, huh?

And here are two vintage pumpkin images that would be wonderful in ANY of your altAred art creations!

Really beautiful, yes?

More soon! Hugs!

Paula Clare


  1. These are some really great freebies.I wish I was having Thanksgiving at my house this year..maybe next year.

    Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  2. These are really wonderful! Thank you! Twyla

  3. Hi Paula, I love the Toymaker, so many wonderful free goodies!
    My sister's little dog was just certified as a therapy dog. This little pup was a rescue dog and is missing part of one of her legs. She is such a happy, sweet little dog and will be perfect for this!

  4. The Toymaker is great. I'm printing out the finger pupets for 2 little Thanksgiving guests!
    Hope you are having a good week Paula!
    Joyce...trying to catch up!


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