Saturday, November 6


Greetings, dear friends! Today I am thankful for our furry friends...even when they commandeer the computer!

It is I, Webster the Wonder Dog...

Most of you know that I occasionally hijack my "mom's" computer to blog and say hello. Well, today I have a few pictures to share with you (in a fit of shameless self-promotion) after a day at the spa...

My doctor told my mom I needed to keep my hair short...even in the winter because of my allergies. They have been TERRIBLE lately and I have been quite miserable...but then, so have mom and dad. They both have allergies too...guess there's something in the air.

Anyway, so here I am...looking quite handsome if I do say so myself! Here's a peek at the cool neckerchief the spa lady gave me to wear. It's Snoopy and the peanuts gang at Thanksgiving! How apropos! Fetching, isn't it?

I'm not sure why, but spending the day at the spa just wears me out! here's I'm chillin with the mom...she's a pretty good pillow!

Anyway, our Saturday is supposed to be spent just chillaxin at home and stuff. I HOPE SO! I'm pooped! 

Yikes! Here comes mom...better give her the innocent puppy dog eyes! Later, dawgs!



  1. Oh, he's so adorable, Paula! So like my favorite of all our family dogs...Jack the Schnauzer. The most wonderful, gentle, loving dog I've ever had. I'm sure Webster's just the same...even if he does hijack your computer once in a while!

    Hope your weekend is wonderful!


  2. Well Webster, you are quite handy with a keyboard! Sorry to hear about your allergies, my little Terror, oops, I MEAN Terrier, has skin problems too. Get some rest, looks like you deserve it and tell your mom HI too! Nan and Little Hipy

  3. Webster! I shutter to think what you'd do if you had opposable thumbs! You sweet can never stay mad at you for long!

  4. Oh my gosh Paula, What a handsome fella you have there! Please oh please don't let my puppy anywhere near my computer. Today she ate an entire sofa cushion! The part you sit on! EIK! This is such a cute post! E


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