Sunday, September 12


Greetings, ya'll!

I have just photographed what looks like a wild west extravaganza in my home! Lisa (Barncat) snuck an email to me that said she had found some fab cowboy fabric at the Goodwill, and did I want any?!?! DID I?!?! Just look at this wonderful stuff...enough for a couple of pillows for the canned ham...and more!

Here are a few of my favorite images:

And I couldn't help but take a picture or two of all the tags with the cowboy fabric!

I can't tell you how happy seeing all this wild west creativity makes me! I've had a little tune in my head this evening...I think if I share it here it might "get out" and leave room for somethin' else...

How many opf ya'll remember Donna Fargo? Blast from the past, right?

Shine on me sunshine,
Walk with me world
It's a skippedy doo dah day,
I'm the happiest girl, in the whole USA...

That song and "Happy Trails" have been reverberating in my head ever since this swap started! Anybody got another Old West tune you could tell me about so I can at least have a variety? lol

Next post: The finishing steps to complete my Wild West Tags!

Hugs to all, ya'll!


  1. Wow, look at that treasure of tags spread out! I would be giddy playing with them all. And I love the village that was made for you! I remember that song and now it's stuck in my head too. Thanks. Just kidding, I like that song.

    Hugs...Tracy :)

  2. Glad you like the fabric. :) These pics look like a wild west explosion, so fun!

    Such a sad song, but I find myself humming The Streets of Laredo. . .


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