Friday, September 24


Greetings, dear reader!

I will be leaving shortly for Indianapolis! My sister Peggy (the one who lives near Fort Wayne, IN) and I will be spending our weekend together flea marketing, eating, and no doubt regaling each other with stories of our recent pasts.

I am taking my waterfall album with me so I will hopefully have a few new things to show you in my next post!

Meanwhile, a few posts from decorating: Halloween past! For more info, check out my Flickr badge and/or type "Halloween" in the search bar!

Talk to you again soon!

Paula Clare


  1. What fun Halloween decorations!

    Hope your trip is wonderful--have so much fun!


  2. Have a wonderful visit with your sister Paula!

  3. Paula, I have so missed visiting you lately! I have missed so much! Your post about loosing your address was hilarious, can you do it again just for the laugh? Paper bag tutorial, wonderful! Decorations, fabulous. I received my tags from you today and my tag from Nan E. I am so happy to have received hers. I think she is a doll! Have a great weekend. Your new blog look is WOW! E

  4. Safe journeys my friend & fab times ! :)
    see you when you're back ...

  5. Have fun on the flea market! hope you'll find lots of nice things.
    Can't wait to see it...

  6. I received my wild west tags today! THanks so much for hosting this cute swap :) Rosemary

  7. Hi Paula. I received my Wild West tags today. Thank you so much for letting me be apart of it. And the yummy pop!

    Hope your having fun this weekend.

    Hugs...Tracy :)

  8. Hope you had a great weekend with your sister. Just wanted to let you know that I received the Wild West Tags in the mail on Friday. Thank you so much. Loved the swap and the tags I received.

    Thanks to the hostess.


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