Friday, June 11


Greetings, dear reader!

I am back again to regale you with tales of our recent travels on Route 66...of course, our travels last summer were the focal point of my "Wish You Were Here" tags for Elizabeth's swap:

I sent online 184 photos ... many of which were used on these tags...most tags have at least 3 or 4 different images on them...The Route 66 in the foreground? An actual piece of the old highway in Oklahoma! And I couldn't just let you see the pictures of the places without an explanation...or a STORY I should say. There's ALWAYS a story! 

The back of each tag tells the story of the picture on the many of the places out west have been restored...(the further west you go, the more you find restoration...hubby and I were sad to discover so many places in Missouri restored, but left abandoned) Behold:

Beautifully restored...but abandoned. For sale signs in the windows...

The Route 66 adorable little coffee shop and "greasy spoon" right on the square...why would THIS place not "make it?" 

Again and again we saw wonderful places that should have been full of tourists and camera snapping fools, and instead we found empty streets, "building for lease" signs, and a little town struggling to stay alive...

Cuba Missouri has a dozen beautifully painted murals on walls around the town...with local history attached to them:

(My personal favorite...the story of Amelia Earhart...(my maiden name and long lost relative...I figure I get my sense of direction (or LACK of direction) from this heritage!)

On a Saturday afternoon, no one snapping pictures, no one walking their dog or wandering the Very sad.

More tales of our trip home (through a wild animal safari!) tomorrow! By the way, those of you who have yet to send me your vintage camper tags, remember that the deadline is July 4th. I'd like to have them sent back OUT to you by then, but if you can't get them in the mail any sooner, that's fine. No pressure! Summer's all about being laid back and laaaaaaaaazy...

Speaking of lazy, in July my sister and her family will be here from Sudan...along with my youngest son and his a "treat" we are taking them all to Holiday World in Indiana. I thought a family who spent the last two years in a desert might enjoy spending the day in a water park! Check out the new ride:

More soon!
Paula Clare


  1. I can't wait to get one of your "wish you were here tags". They are just so cute! I had to comment when I saw that you were related to Amelia Earhart. My mom who is 79 used to vist Amelia Earhart's mother in Berkeley.

  2. Damn this economy!!!! That first little yellow building with the adorable roof......that would be a killer scrapbookign store and little coffee place!!!!! All of these were so cute, I was just getting a post together about old fashioned corner grocery stores....that second one would be perfect! I wish I had a chuck of change, I would open one just to have people enjoy it! Forget profit! Let's have fun!!!! my soapbox....but earlier times were better times. :)

  3. I love the cafe with all the different characters from the past. So cute. What a neat place to visit.

  4. Hi Sandy,
    I had the same thought when we saw the adorable drive in that had gone belly up! Oh my how I could see myself in roller skates, a poodle skirt serving "malted milks" to patrons as they drove in...what's WRONG with people anyway, not wanting to go into little towns but instead just stop off at a truck stop on the interstate...we have lost a good deal of our "America Built by immigrants and mom and pop" for the luxury of saving time.

    (As you can see, I TOO have a soapbox about such things!)

    Perhaps we should go in biznich together, me, you Meri and E??? All of our blogging friends can come by to see what we're creating next!?!

  5. What fabulous photos! I am excited to get one of these post cards! Have a great weekend!


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