Monday, May 31


We will remember...

Thank you...

More soon,
Paula Clare


  1. Thank you for sharing these Paula....

  2. Paula, Your postcards for me are so amazing! I can't wait to see them. AND the newest camper tags are to die for! What fun swaps! I love your Memorial tributes. My husband loves the extra attention he gets on this day. We had a lovely family picnic in the sweltering heat! I always have so much fun visiting here! Elizabeth

  3. Paula, It took an entire day for your story to appear on my post; so I didn't see it until I went back to make sure I had read everyones. Oh my gosh, I am still laughing at the sight of you hanging upside down from that horse. That has to be the funniest story ever, and to think you lived to tell about it! I'll be making cowboy things all month, and I just know there will be something with your name on it! What a hoot. PS I noticed right away the cowgirl on your post cards. So you! E

  4. Ah...that is wonderful, your dad and your son. I extend my sincere thank you for their service to America.
    Blessings my friend from your girlfriend with the curl who always has a gnome in her pocket. Going on a Cupcake Walk in June...come along with'll fit right in like jelly and jam!


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