Wednesday, November 4


Greetings, dear reader!

While I have NO INTENTION of skipping the mega important holiday of Thanksgiving, I AM hoping to get a jump on crafting this Christmas season. Here is a tag book created from using the base "junque book" from Red Lead. Almost all of the adorable images are from Red Lead's Christmas collage sheets. They have some of the CUTEST little faces! There are 84 images (42 pages!) in my book, so these are just a few of my faves:

And my very favorite is the center page spread:

An veritable explosion of Christmas!


  1. Explosion of Christmas is right! How do you come up with all this wonderfulness! Put this right on my next project list. What I learn from you is to mix and match. I bought all the lovely paper from K&Co thinking of a book with only those images - but I see from you - no - go wilder! How do you keep the tags in the book? Your favorite student, Elizabeth

  2. Hi E! I usually use pockets to slip the tags into...simply cut a paper square and glue 3 sides to the page and voila! Tag pocket holder! I also use little plastic ATC covers (treat bags found in the cake/candy aisle at Michaels or Hobby Lobby) again adhering one side to the page. Easy peasy!

    I find the easiest way to create a huge book like this (I did it in several sittings) is to gather EVERYTHING Christmas from my stash and collection, and then GO for it! I was determined to use whatever I had on hand, as well as other bits and pieces of ribbon, ric rac, etc. etc. I did most of it in the living room with Hubby Dear while he watched his favorite TV shows. I just glued and snipped and sat happily crafting away, doing at once two things I love, creating and hanging out with DH!

    Thanks for visiting the palace, E! I LOVE your enthusiasm!

  3. Paula! this is sooo festive! love it! you did a great job!

  4. I love love love your Christmas tag album!!!
    So festive album....
    Vivement Noël ;-))

  5. This tag book is FAB! You did a wonderful job! Thanks you for sharing your talents!

  6. Paula,
    Could I ask....did you enlarge any of the images you got from Red Lead Paperworks? I got the sheets today and some of them seem smaller that what you have here....did you scan them or something????? Sandy

  7. Hi Sandy,
    No, I didn't scan any of the Red Lead images...many of their collage sheets come in several sizes. I purchased several of the same images in several different sizes...I just thought you can't have too much cute!

    Thanks for asking! Hugs!


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