Monday, September 21


Greetings, dear reader!

Welcome back to the Route 66 tour! As the bus departs, I would ask that everyone remain in their seat, unless several passengers want to incite a hula hoop contest or burst into a twist marathon! All others please remain seated. :-)

As we continue our tour of the Route 66 Museum, we walk inside to find a counter with a friendly, smiling woman welcoming us and inviting us to take as many pictures as we'd like! REALLY?! WOOHOO! Cameras OUT! Flashes synchronized! For a mere $3.00 per person fee all of this nostalgia can be ours!

The first thing you see is an old map of Route 66...I so wanted to tear it off the wall!

And then this hi-tech lighted version. Very cool...

And then THIS: A map with postmarks of every single town on Route 66! I thought this would make a fab background for ATCs, collages, etc. I just couldn't resist (again "resisting" the urge to rip it off the wall)

Then a mock up of an old garage. There was a story about these particular gas station owners...and how they came to build the first gas station along the route...

THE gas and air pumps used at said station. Just amazing. There were collages of workers who were building the road itself...and stories of the Great Depression and how the building of the road became a "saving the farm" scenario for many of the workers. I took a picture but it didn't come out. :-(

I also took several pictures of vintage cars in their appropriate "eras" but alas, the only one that came out was this one. . . it happened to be my favorite! I am such a flower child!

There were so many more treasures in the museum...but we have, in the words of Robert Frost, "Miles to go before we sleep" so on to Amarillo!

This was the first indicator that we had reached our destination...we were absolutely exhausted from the road, so decided to stay in a hotel instead of looking for a campground. We were right down the road from the big Texan...

The Big Texan has been a "standard" on Route 66...billboards along the way boast a 72 oz (DO YOU REALIZE THAT IS 6 POUNDS?!?!) steak...if you eat it all, it's free! Nothing in me wanted to even LOOK AT that much meat on a platter! I'd rather see the steak "on hoof" thank you!

And tomorrow, we will! Longhorn steers and the Little Grand Canyon are our next stop...meanwhile, let's all go get breakfast at the Big Texan!

See you tomorrow!
Paula Clare

1 comment:

  1. Paula, Since you began blogging isn't as though you are always thinking about photographing what we the tourist would like to see? You are doing a great job! The mail stamp Route 66 definitely needs to be available for purchase. Loved the cowboy restaurant figure high in the sky. Again, what a great trip. The suspense - how far did you go? Tune in tomorrow! E


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