Monday, January 19


Greetings dear reader!

Regardless your political and/or religious affiliation, you MUST admit that we are in an exciting place in history with the inauguration of our first African American president. Call me Pollyanna, but I cannot help but feel hope and optimism swelling in my heart when I hear him speak. I think of all Abraham Lincoln fought for and brought about, and how far we've come since the days of slavery and racism. I think of Martin Luther King, Jr. and his many inspiring speeches and hopes. I think of John Lennon and his dream of world peace...

While the Middle East remains in turmoil, I cannot help but optimistically hope and pray that perhaps, in THIS administration, in MY lifetime, peace may be possible.

More soon!

Paula Clare

1 comment:

  1. Oh Paula!! That is my dream too! Peace in our world. Thank you so much for stopping by to see me today and entering my giveaway!


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