Wednesday, December 3


Greetings, dear reader!

I am back from the wedding and Thanksgiving Day festivities, and now prepare to spend time with the family over the Christmas holidays. In the interim, I am beginning the process of decking the halls here at the Clouse House. I will be taking photos of the process, and will share them with you in the next day or so.

Meanwhile, here is a little Christmas gift from me to you: Several .jpg files of Christmas Carols from a vintage Carol book found while scouring a flea market. I love, love, LOVE the images and the bright, retro designs. Feel free to use the images on your holiday altared art projects, digital scrapbooking, or whatever!

More soon!


Paula Clare

1 comment:

Dear Wonderful Reader:

I love to hear from you! I read and appreciate your taking the time to stop by and leave a comment! You're welcome at the Palace anytime!