Wednesday, October 22


Greetings, dear reader!

As many of you probably know, I'm not much into the spooky, blood and gore side of Halloween. I love the sweet vintage images and an occasional good zombie movie, but that's about it. Along those same thought processes, though, I started thinking about other things I love. Not necessarily Halloween things, but, you know, just "things" in general. Coffee. I love coffee. With lots of flavor and lots of cream. My husband said the coffee is probably the smallest ingredient in my capuccino, latte love. Perhaps so. Hmmm. What else? I also love cupcakes. YES! That's it! I will combine my love of cupcakes and my love of zombie movies into one fantastic Halloween treat!

Ladies and gentle readers, I give you:


WAIT! Don't run a way! Don't be scared...I want to tell you a little more about Harold. Harold, if you'll please walk the runway for us:

Harold is sporting this season's hottest attire...slightly exposed zombie brains. Along with this festive look Harold wears a zippered mouth (since zombies are technically dead then come back to life, I suppose this is the stitch job the mortician did) with faux blood added for effect. Harold also has a pair of lovely bloodshot eyeballs, entirely too large for his 6 x 6 inch frame. (The red dots are an accessory available with the zombie, bloodshot eyes only.) Harold's chocolate insides lurk beneath a lovely pleated blue paper cupcake paper, and supports a large dollop of glittered icing atop. The exposed brains are dimensional and peek out of the icing just enough to make Harold appear a bit sinister. It will be one of this holidays most sought after looks!

Okay, well, maybe not...but around the Clouse House, Harold the cupcake zombie is as sinister as it gets. :-)

Here are a few more ATCs created while NOT creating zombie cupcakes:

Peace in the (cupcake) Hood,


Paula Clare


  1. I love Harold Paula, WOO HOO, he is so cute, sinister, well you know..He almost scared me away.

  2. Who else would think to combine cupcakes and zombies??? Only you my friend....only you!!! No, I liked Harold....really! I loved the ATCs!!! And COFFEE...TRULY THE NECTAR OF THE GODS!!!! (although I must admit I'm not the fan of cappuccino or latte) My personal "vice" is my very own homemade mocha/mint creamer!!! *YUM-O*
    But anyway..cute & creative as always!!

    Miss Angie

  3. I'm in love with Harold!! I hope you are having a fun and cozy Halloween season :)

  4. Harold is a hoot~ keep up the fun halloween's almost here..

  5. Thanks, everyone for your comments on Harold and my ATCs. I'm sure you all know what it's like when you're "In the zone"? You know, the "craft zone?" It's a wonderful, magical place for me, as creations like Harold come into existence! It's inspiration run amuck!


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