Wednesday, October 8


Greetings, dear reader!

Thank you ALL for your kind emails and comments regarding my disastrous workspace. It's good to know I'm in good company with other creative types! I'm in the throes of cleaning it up and will post photos accordingly once it's done. I'm sure the before/after pics will be SHOCKING! lol

I wanted to create a little button for you that you can put on the side of your blog to encourage participants in the Halloween ATC Swap! Here is the happy little button I created:

Simply right click and save, and then please link back to my post that outlines the details for the swap:

If you haven't let me know that you're participating, please email me so I can give you the mailing address for the ATCs!

Also, for those of you who have been following my blog for a while, you may remember the Art Quilt I sent to a special someone in Australia? She has received said quilt and so now I can show you photos of the completed project:

This is the front:

And here is the back. It's a reverse seam process that becomes fringe when you wash it! I just love it! (And a little bird told me that the Aussie Recipient loved it as well! WOOT! )

One more thing I must share with grandbaby has turned 1... Behold the birthday boy!

Shortly thereafter, his mom found out he can do this:

Look how innocent he is...sitting in the chair like a big boy...

And the minute his mom's back was turned...

Up and over he goes! He's apparently a climber...our little monkey!

Finally, I wanted to share with you this little treat I found in the 1957 Jack and Jill magazine. Click on each picture and the full size page will open up for you to download and save! Lots of fun for the kids this fall!

More soon!


Paula Clare


  1. I will post your "button". The grandson is adorable. I have been making my ATCs and didn't officially email you because the email link wouldn't work... In any case, I tried to make the same 10 ATCs...IT CAN'T BE DONE! I start out with #2 and then I think, "but what if I added this one little Halloween thing I have" and before you know it, #2 looks nothing like #1. So fun, and it is MAKING me stay in my scrap area instead of finding silly excuses like laundry to take priority...

  2. What a cutie pie you've got for a grandson! I just want to squeeze him!


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