Tuesday, July 1


Well, not REALLY! We all know (those of us who know and love Gene Shepherd's "A Christmas Story" know anyway) that a MAJOR award comes in a box marked FRA-GEE-LAY that looks like this:

and the major award looks like this:

So, did I win a "major award?" No, not really. HOWEVER, I did win this:

It's an award given to anyone in the world whose blog is eyecatching and appealing! I traced it back to its orginal source and found it has been given to blogs in the Netherlands, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, France, the U.K., Brazil, and now I shall nominate scrappers in Rio De Janero, Brazil, Queensland, Australia, and the U.K.! The award (as best I can translate and surmise) was created by an Italian graphic designer! How cool is that?!?! Anyhoodlyhoo, yay! Thanks, Debbie!

As with any "major award" , there is fine print to be complied with...so here we go:

1. The winner puts the logo on her blog.
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of the girls/guys you've nominated.

So I nominate the following blogs for this award:

1. Ngaire Bartlam: Her blog is a constant source of inspiration, color and...the unexpected! Ngai is by far my #1 muse! Her art is always colorful, always "peace-full" and always unexpected!

2. Regiane Santos. Her art makes me smile. Everytime. She seems to be an incredible talent...I wish I knew her well enough to "pick her brain" about her inspirations, styles and techniques!

3. Catherine Schwartz. Hers is a very familial kind of blog...it feels like you've been invited into her living room for...well...Cupcakes and Coffee! Her family has recently moved to London, England! I look forward to keeping up with her travels and new discoveries!

4. Inspired by Amelie. Oh my goodness...just like the movie, the blog is awash with color and inspiration! I LOVE IT!

5. My He(Art) by Wilna Furstenberg. I discovered Wilna when I joined the Delightful Blogs group. Her blog is always a source of spiritual inspiration, friendship, and sharing. Wilna has done things like created a card making frenzy for a friend of hers (and eventually mine) who had cancer. Well over 100 cards were sent to Lois within a few weeks time...She also leads classes like the "painted journal" and Valentines Day classes. There is always SO MUCH to make and do! She is an awesome teacher! And her scrapbooking is beautiful.

6. Vanessa Valencia's "A Fanciful Twist." Pure eye candy. The woman is an amazing artist, witty, exuberant, and a little nuts! What's not to love! She recently hosted a blog party...and you just won't believe the creativity! Behold!

7. And finally, my friend Debbie. Her blog, Creations by Debbie Jean was started because I was constantly hearing about the things she had made, and thought it'd be a good thing if she shared them with others who are just jumping into the altered art - stamp - scrapping world. She is typically ALWAYS working on SOMETHING. And...unlike me, she can sew. So her creations are just...well..you never know WHAT she'll be making!

And there you have it ladies and gents...my 7 nominations for the Brilliante Weblog Award!

And now, in conclusion, I'd like to thank you, my adoring public, who have made this great honor possible...LOL! PUH-LEASE!

More "humble ramblings" soon!




  1. Thank you so much for sharing us on your blog and giving us an award!We are very honored :)

    Love Fauve(inspired by Amelie)

  2. Hi Paula. Your blog is so much fun. I come here for a breath of fresh air! Just added you to my blog roll. Hope you have a fabulous 4th!

  3. Hi- I was wondering if you'd share your email address and mailing address with me so I can send you your free gift (for leaving a comment on my blog). Everyone who left a comment between June 28th and July 1st gets a free present in honor of Vanessa Valencia's Fanciful Twist Tea Party! I haven't decided if I'm going to do a web gift or a snail mail gift so I need both. I promise I won't share your addresses with anyone else and I will only use them for this giveaway. I would like to keep them on file to give you future info on Flotsam and Jetsam happenings but I completely understand if you'd like me to toss your info after I send you your gift.
    Thanks so much and have a happy 4th-
    Stacey Newton

  4. congrats on the award!! love your nominees, too! take a break from all winning to swing by my give away!

  5. I'm still trying to catch up with all the new friends I made at Vanessa's party, you have a lovely blog here.

  6. Paula

    I linked over from Etsy Cottage Style & followed your links (whwn sipping my morning coffee I usually surf) anyway I loved reading everything & am still not done with all your links! I especially LOVE your characiture (SP?) - wonderful & whimsy. You look like you offer a wonderful service to people - God bless. Grace

  7. Hi Paula! I just got your comment on my blog about the apple n' pear fabric. I got it at Joann's. But, if you google it (it's made by Alexander Henry), there are a couple of places you can purchase it online. I think I even saw some on Etsty.

  8. oh my goodness! Congratulations on your award. So cool. Also, thanks so much for the nomination :) I can't wait until we settle into the new home so that I can be more consistent with postings...I loved the other blogs you mentioned as well. I can't wait to add them to my favorites page!

  9. ****Blush****

    I'd like to thank my mum and dad.....

    thankyou honey!
    :)) I will pay this forward on my blog soon.:)

    and thankyou for the constant sweet comments at BMB.. I love that you are so "commenty"
    Kiss kiss

  10. Paula, thanks for the nomination for the "Brilliante Weblog Award"! I loved! Its very nice be part of your best 7... And thanks for all the comments you make on my blog!


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