Wednesday, July 16


Greetings dear reader!

Have you ever had one of those weeks where you encounter devastating news, difficult situations, but at the same time experience more love and grace than you could ever imagine? THIS has been one of those weeks for me...

One of the great benefits of blogdom is the generous and caring people you meet around the world! I have recently been inundated with love from assorted continents around the world. My husband just looks stunned when I open the boxes of goodies sent for blog awards, swaps, or no reason at all. "WHY do they do this?" he asks in befuddled amazement. "Because they are good and generous souls" I retort. "But they don't KNOW you." "I know, but they know my blog. Isn't it COOL? I can be friends with someone in Australia, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, England, Canada, Singapore, Japan, and all points in the U.S! It reminds me that there is good in the world..."

And here is the "proof in the pudding":

From my friend ScrappySue in New Zealand: the "Share the Love" award (in my sidebar) and this New Zealand fodder: A Panoramic Postcard (oooooooooooh), A Kiwi Magnet (ahhhhhhhhhhhhh), an NZ Keychain, a tag reminding me to "Be Happy Every Day" and NEW ZEALAND CHOCOLATE! (can I get an "amen?!?!" WOOT!)

From Amanda McWhinney in Northern Ireland: Die cuts a-plenty, embellishments galore, IRISH CHOCOLATE, a Belfast in Your Pocket Guide (WOOHOO) and 2 copies of Alice in Wonderland for AltAred Art projects! 2 amazing parcels all the way from Northern Ireland! WOW! I was SO overwhelmed with your generosity!

THEN, I received the lovely covered post-it note party favor from LizzyJDesigns! Just for stopping by her blog during the Mad Hatter Tea Party! What a great concept...her Etsy store is fab as well!

And THEN, I received the bundle of joy in the center of the photo from Debbie Egezio from The Beat of My Art shop.

Based in Naperville, IL (suburban Chicago) she is nearly a neighbor (well...she's at the TOP of the state and I'm at the BOTTOM of the state, but now I know she's THERE, and that magically erases distance, doesn't it?)

My little darling was one of several siblings up for adoption at Debbie's Tea Party. Behold the "micro brood" (wink) at feeding time:

Now tell me, HOW could you NOT feel loved after being showered with all this bloggy goodness? I don't mean to gush (and those of you who know me know I tend to shy away from the "sappy" sentimentality) but I simply must say another "THANK YOU" to all of you, my dear friends in blogdom. Your friendships, your generosity, your kindness, will help me make it through what would otherwise have been a terribly difficult week!

May each of you be blessed with friendship, provision, love, and grace beyond measure!

More soon!


  1. it's a great week to be you paula!

  2. I hope you are doing ok and that your week has improved! Thanks for your comments while I have been "internet-limited". I need your home address is in my email and i dont have my home computer yet :)

  3. It is great know good people are out there! Thanks for sharing and I'm glad you like the note cover!

    Have a fab day!

  4. How wonderful! And yes, it is nice knowing how much goodness there really is in this world of our's!


Dear Wonderful Reader:

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