Thursday, June 26


Greetings, friends! My retreat weekend was at the beautiful Fatima Retreat House in Indianapolis, Indiana. 13 acres of lush, beautiful, well-manicured grounds. One little lady takes care of all of it...behold:

And a relaxing labryinth:

Over 50 "wacky monks" (the loving title my sons have given us) gathered together to renew old friendships, make new ones, and to discuss and consider our calling as Franciscans in the world. I was amazed to discover all the ministry that goes on within our far flung little Order! As members of JPIC (Justice, Peace & Integrity of Creation) and FAN (the Franciscan Action Network) we are behooved to live our lives in such a way that the integrity of all creation (human and otherwise) is revered and cared for. Our members work with immigrants, refugees, animal rights groups, environmental agencies, peace organizations, energy coalitions, city councils, encouraging action on behalf of the homeless, indigent, and impoverished, etc. etc. etc. It's truly a great blessing to be part of this group!

Here's a group photo taken in the chapel at Fatima:

You'll notice we are all ages, all races, male and female, clergy and laity, etc. What a wildly diverse group! And what a blessing to be part of such an ecumenical group!

And now I'll sign off in the fashion of all good Franciscans:

Peace, And All Good!


1 comment:

  1. Awesome pictures of the birdies there. I was in amazed by the diversity of the flowers and animal life there. I still can't believe the lone volunteer does all of the flowers. Someone should send that woman chocolate!



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