Tuesday, May 13

An Amazing Artist...

Well hello there, oh bloggy friends o'mine!

I have found the most amazing artist...behold his incredibly FAST altered art style!(I'm not even sure WHAT he's painting ON, but...well, just watch and see...

More soon!



  1. Hi Paula!
    I just got your goodies in the mail! WOWWEE!!! You're so amazing! I love it all! Thank you, thank you, thank you soooo much!! I've been meaning to scrapbook my honeymoon in London and there's so many things I could use. I love it!

  2. Hey these videos are so awesome! The kids all watched them too...they were equally impressed. The boys liked the outer space/sci-fi one...The girls and I like the tropical ocean!! Very cool and a good impromptu art class!! Thanks!!!


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