Friday, April 11


It just occured to me that I have recently had some kind of rather "odd" fascination with Baby Dolls. Not as in, "Oh, isn't that antique doll just lovely?" or "I have 874 vintage Barbies." My fascination is with CREEPY dolls. Or rather, DOLL HEADS. Now before you run screaming into the night, bear in mind I am a great fan of all things pop/modern. Therefore, one might say there is a bit of a "surge" in creepy dolldom. Check out these fab Etsy finds from one of my fave sellers, Stoopidgerl:

Or these fine art prints from SpitFireArt

Or finally, this transfer patch also for sale on Etsy from Monkeyshines:

And then I got this FAB ATC from one of my spring swap partners. I just LOVE it (I'm not sure WHY):

Okay, so what's all this confession leading up to? I give you my most recent purchase on Ebay:

What will I do with this little blue-eyed wonder? Probably photograph her to death, and then "creep" her up a bit. But I MIGHT let her wear one of the spring crowns I created from Bellatoria.

Teresa McFayden's e-zine is FULL of projects and ideas (12 majorly gorgeous projects in fact) for a mere $20 subscription fee! Anyway, I suspect it was SHE who began this madness...I saw her friend "Dolly" modeling one of the crowns and thought, "That'd be a great thing to have sitting on my fireplace mantle." I'm not so sure my husband will share my sentiment. Regardless, I WILL be posting photos as soon as she gets here!

Anyway, if any of you, dear readers, find creepy doll heads or doll head photos, be sure to let me hear about them!

More soon!



  1. Hee Hee! I can't wait to see "Creepy Kelly" all dudded up after you jazz her up a bit :)

  2. WOW!!! Your blog is pretty sweet! Going to have to read some more here. :O)

  3. Hey Stoopidgerl,
    Thanks for stopping by! Wow! A celebrity! Keep making your way cool (and slightly creepy) art!


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