Wednesday, March 12


Greetings, gentle reader! Today I am posting my take on yet another scrapbook challenge...this one issued from the good folks over at No. 8 Wired. Kiwi Daredevils and a New Zealand Dare Blog. Isn't that just the most fun? I, in fact, happen to KNOW someone in New Zealand...a sister in my Franciscan order who calls herself "Sister Helen Kiwi." She even brought me a little remembrance last summer when we met at Chapter in St.'s what a kiwi (the remembrance) looks like:

Here is what the real thing looks like:

Odd little creatures, aren't they? And they make the strangest sound...not a chirping at all but a high pitched laugh almost. Very tough to describe. Now, since I've given you your New Zealand National Bird 101 information, perhaps you can more readily appreciate the challenge of the Daredevils: Finish the statement: "Don't You Love It When..." Here's my take:

Recognize the gal wearing the lovely chocolate cream pie? You should be able to click on the page and read my journaling that will give you the whole scoop. Be sure also to check out the blog and the designers layouts...truly fab.

More soon,



  1. hey thanks for dropping by my blog! i should have a new blog up on friday announcing the winner. hope you drop by again and good luck!! :D


  2. love the layout! is it digital? thanks for visiting my blog - check back for my easter giveaway coming next week - it involves lots of chocolate!

  3. that's awesome Paula; you missed the deadline but I'll add your LO to the slide show if that's OK.

  4. Hi Lianne! Yes, please feel free to add it to the slide show! I'll get the time difference figured out...EVENTUALLY! Blessings!


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