Sunday, March 2


Greetings, lovies! I am embarking on yet another inspirational journey...Rhonna Farrer's 21 Day Inspiration Challenge!

Here is my journal and the first two days of inspiration:

I was in a "bird mode" when I made this journal...can you tell? (WINK)

My grandbaby is ALWAYS a great source of inspiration! Just look at that precious face with his little hands folded like a praying angel. (Thus the wings...I couldn't resist) And sunflowers and sunshine always brighten my day!

My inspiration today comes from a FABulous blog I've found: Knick Knacks & Ric Rac

Look at the yummy images found on her blog!

All images and creations by Hannah...isn't it just truly amazing? Reading her blog is like walking through the Netherlands or Holland...absolutely GORGEOUS color, and oh so SEVENTIES! What's not to love!?

More later...oh can't you just SMELL the inspiration???

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