Tuesday, February 12


Greetings, dear readers!
Just out of curiosity, how many of you are reading this from someplace WARM?!?!? Allow me to SCREAM for a moment, won't you? AAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKK! Okay, all better. It is snowing and sleeting and doing all manner of nasty winterisms outside, and I am SO OVER WINTER!!! BUT, such is life in the midwest....one must roll with the snowballs, mustn't one? (BOO) Anyhoo, I was up til the wee hours crafting and waxing creative...on WHAT? you might ask? WELL, 2 days from Valentines day I would think it'd be a "no brainer"...VALENTINES you silly goose! SO, what KIND of Valentines??? WELL...have a little looksee:

And so the Valentine Class comes to an end with this, the final project. But do the Valentines stop here? OH NOOOOOOOOO! Of course not! I have another 2 or 3 to make this evening...or tomorrow morning in the early a.m....whichever best fans the flames of my creativity!

The online class was my first...and was SO MUCH FUN...I highly recommend you all enroll next year. You'll be glad you did.

Meanwhile, the amazing Ngaire Bartlam, artist, writer and cohort in scrap, has dedicated a post to yours truly on her blog...check out her "Blog Me Baby" scrapblog. Here's a little example of her work (it's one of my (many) faves):

(For anyone thinking I'm a horrible person for stealing her image, I have linked to her post which includes said image...I would NEVER infringe upon the copyright of a sistuh!) She is truly an amazing (and completely "out there") kind of gal. You'll love her! Don't be surprised if you find her one day in the pages of Artful Blogging Magazine. She's a true WONDER from DOWN UNDER! lol

More soon!


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