Friday, December 14


Good morning readers! Well, as Dr. Seuss says, "The time has come, the time is now...Ngaire Bartlam will you please....

COME ON DOWN! You're the winner of the International Box of Christmas Goodies! Woohoo! A hand for the amazing Ngaire from down under...(hoots, yells, and cheers) Please send me (via private email) your address so I can get your goodie box winging its way to you!

After assigning each entry a number and putting the numbers into a random number generator...the winner from the good ol' USofA: Angeleenee (who also did NOT follow instructions and must now send me her address so that I can mail said goodie box!)

CONGRATS to the winners! And now, because it's Christmas and because I'm feeling VERY MUCH in the Christmas spirit, I am going to give each person who entered a gift just for taking time during the holiday madness to check out and read my little blog.

I DO SO APPRECIATE each of you!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Dannah! Send me your snail mail addy (via private email) and I'll send you a gift too!

    Thanks for the Christmas card...your pooch is TOO CUTE!


Dear Wonderful Reader:

I love to hear from you! I read and appreciate your taking the time to stop by and leave a comment! You're welcome at the Palace anytime!