Greetings intrepid merry makers! How goes the Christmas shopping and running amuck? I took a car load of friends to see what has become a holiday tradiition in my family: Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows Way of Lights. I'll post pictures in the next post or two.... Meanwhile, BECAUSE I was out with said car load of friends, I didn't get to post the Day 6 project...which means TODAY, you get a 2 for 1 deal-o-roonie! WOOHOO! First, as time is ticking away, we are now talking LAST MINUTE gifts, yes? So here's a quick and easy one I think is FAB: Handmade chocolate bar wrappers. The Scrapgirls have a WONderful template you can use...or here are some cute ideas:
I LOVE the idea of putting a photo on the wrapper! For those of you who would rather create your own version...these are great for digital layouts! My SECOND last minute idea is the "MOVIE BASKET". I would LOVE to get one of these!
EVERYTHING (except the bowl) can be purchased at your local video store. Find a great family movie, add popcorn, movie size boxes of candy and soda, and POOF! A fab hostess gift or gift for a family!
Now, lest I forget, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you ALL a VERY "MARY" Christmas...(I can just hear my proofreaders, "You spelled Merry wrong! You spelled Merry wrong!" Nay, dear proofers, I did not...explanation forthcoming) As the Bible says of Mary, the Mother of Jesus, "She pondered these things in her heart..." I would hope that EACH OF US would TAKE TIME to ponder in our hearts the GOOD THINGS granted us in the past year...and offer a prayer of gratitude to the "Birthday Boy" who makes it all possible. We are immensely grateful for ALL that has been given and shared with us in 2007...and as I look upon my 5th decade on planet earth (oh good grief!) I am more and more thankful for each new day...each new gift...each new opportunity. I am thankful for YOU, dear reader, and for this "most awesome" (In the words of Bill and Ted) mode of communication that helps me to stay in touch with friends around the world.
EVERYTHING (except the bowl) can be purchased at your local video store. Find a great family movie, add popcorn, movie size boxes of candy and soda, and POOF! A fab hostess gift or gift for a family!
Now, lest I forget, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you ALL a VERY "MARY" Christmas...(I can just hear my proofreaders, "You spelled Merry wrong! You spelled Merry wrong!" Nay, dear proofers, I did not...explanation forthcoming) As the Bible says of Mary, the Mother of Jesus, "She pondered these things in her heart..." I would hope that EACH OF US would TAKE TIME to ponder in our hearts the GOOD THINGS granted us in the past year...and offer a prayer of gratitude to the "Birthday Boy" who makes it all possible. We are immensely grateful for ALL that has been given and shared with us in 2007...and as I look upon my 5th decade on planet earth (oh good grief!) I am more and more thankful for each new day...each new gift...each new opportunity. I am thankful for YOU, dear reader, and for this "most awesome" (In the words of Bill and Ted) mode of communication that helps me to stay in touch with friends around the world.
Meanwhile, from the Clouse House to YOUR HOUSE, we pray you have a very MARY Christmas...
Merry Christmas! Thanks for all the great ideas.