Saturday, November 24

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggety Jig

After spending the Thanksgiving holiday with my sister and her family...and my grandson and HIS family, we are now back in "the Vern" for another stint of regular life...until Christmas time when we will be heading to Tennessee to see my son and daughter in law for the Christmas holiday.

Meanwhile, we are already missing being with our family...and this is only the beginning. You'll remember a few posts ago I mentioned my sister and her fam going to the mission is their website

Feel free to check it out and see for yourself what extraordinary people they are...even if they WEREN'T my family I would love them! And OF COURSE I'll be posting pictures of my grandbaby...right now, though, I am going to attempt to get some much needed sleep...I usually become quite nocturnal while visiting and away from home. I used to be able to handle a 24/48 hour vigil, but no longer. I fear I have become far too antiquated for such stunts...

Anyhoo, I'll write more and will (hopefully) sound a bit more like myself tomorrow. Meanwhile, DO say a prayer for my sister and the fam...I appreciate it.

Huggles to all, and to all a good night!

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