Monday, November 26

Black Friday Video

This is a VERY ROUGH (and dark) version of our Black Friday 5 a.m. shopping spree...don't look for it at the Sundance Film Festival!

We had a great time...and as Leah's maiden voyage into the sea of early morning crazed shoppers, I think it was a banner day...

FYI: As we were enroute to our assorted destinations, we saw 2 police cars with officers dispatched into crowds at Best Buy and Circuit City. Apparently fights broke out in both places, and Target had countless altercations prior to their 6 a.m. opening. Fortunately, our shopping plans did NOT include ANY of the aforementioned stores!

Our FABulous prizes are mentioned in the video...WHY get up at 4 a.m. for said purchases? In the words of Tevye of Fiddler on the Roof: TRADITION!!!


  1. Insanity I say. Anything that happens at dark thirty AM is insanity!!!

    Glad ya had fun, for the sake of tradition!!!

  2. OK...I'm way late with this comment..but I must had to give a quick thumbs up for seeing that you were parked at Bed Bath & Beyond...they are fab! Not only do I love their sales...I also love that they cut my hubby a paycheck every 2 weeks...LOL!!! Cute video!!!

    Grins & Giggles~


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